Sunday, January 09, 2005


That series of characters you fill in before you type in your passwords, that series which includes alphanumerics if you are not one of the lucky few, that's what I'm talking about. Commonly known as the username, a better term for it would be 'lusername', as Florist correctly points out below. If all the man hours used up in selecting a lusername were used towards something more constructive, such as building bridges, I'm sure all the worlds waterways would be covered by now.

So as I spend the better half of a day running out of patience selecting and registering a lusername for this website which provides quality news on the stock market, I can't help but wonder where all the winnernames went.

Monday, January 03, 2005

The red pill or the blue pill

Should I dismiss my second post in an evening as the early enthusiasm of exploring an unknown terrain ? Time will tell.

I have an interesting theory about the matrix. Where have you heard that before ? The matrix is our life, holding us bound to the unreal as we seek to escape into the real and the true. One way to do this is to break our shackles and free ourselves into the ultimate truth .. easier said than done. The other way .. is to multiply ourselves with the inverse matrix, reaching the Identity, the perpetual bliss, the Ultimate Reality. So how does this translate into your life ? Dream on .. the dream is your inverse matrix by which you transcend the unreal.

Of course, this poses a problem for people who are singular, which is where the question of pills comes in. The red pill or the blue pill ? Take the red one, and you have an inverse. Take the blue one, and you have a dreamless sleep.

Shadow and Light

Is there a reason why people call it "Light and Shadow" and not "Shadow and Light" ? I suppose the former sounds better. Well, I decided to call it the latter, it just evens out the playing field some.

Pardon the minor digression. This is my attempt at the recently made-popular phenomenon of blogging. Maybe not so recent, considering that people have been writing about their thoughts forever, but I find it quite amazing to be able to read about the musings of someone many miles away. I can visualize images of old, where as a child I was encouraged to keep a diary and it never happened. If only we had blogging then ...

I've decided, upon the suggestion of a good friend who also inspired me to create a blog (finding a username for which would be a story for a separate post), that I will focus - pun intended - on my photographic ventures. Hence my username and title. I might even post some photos of mine, if I can figure out the ins and outs of html.

Back to "shadow and light": it's as much of an anlogy as anything else. Shadow and light, yin and yang, good and bad, the dark side and the light side. Photography is all about balance, as all life is. One can make a slew of theological analogies, spritual analogies and so on. Personally, it helps me focus my mind (and my camera lens) on the subject, giving me that elusive clarity of thought. Hard light, soft light, shadow edges, lines, texture, shape, Energy .. so there it is - photography - it's all about light and the lack of it.